Matt Cimino avatar
Written by Matt Cimino
Updated over a week ago

This guide details the steps to integrate Blotout into your Amped campaigns for capturing subscribe events. This integration enables the direct sending of tags to Blotout and facilitates the identification of emails and phone numbers.

πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ This integration requires adding custom code on button actions in Amped. If you are unsure here, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected] for assistance!

Integration Steps:

  1. Navigate to Your Campaign: Access the specific campaign where email capture is a goal.

  2. Access the Email Step: Move to the campaign step designed for email address capture.

  3. Add a New Button Action: In the primary Call-To-Action (CTA) button’s settings, add a new button action labeled "Custom Code".

  4. Paste Custom Code: Here, paste the placeholder custom code for email capture.

    /// Blotout Custom Code for Amped Button Actions
    // πŸ“‹ Copy & Paste all of this with no edits
    // ...unless you know what you are doing
    var data = {};

    const userId = window.edgetag('getUserId') || "";
    data['userId'] = userId;

    for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) {
    if (key === 'phone_number'){
    data['phone'] = value; // blotout accepts phone as key for phone numbers
    } else {
    data[key] = value;

    // Conditional if you are using custom props
    var userPreference = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(`amped-${window.ampedConfig.accountId}-userProperties`))
    if (userPreference) {
    userPreference = userPreference['Amped - shopping_for'];
    data.shopping_for = userPreference;

    if (edgetag && typeof edgetag == 'function'){
    setTimeout( () => {
    edgetag('data', data);
    edgetag('tag', 'Subscribe');

    } else {
    console.log('Could not send data, edgetag not found');

    resolve(); // resolve(); tells your ad to continue. Othwerwise the ad will load indefinitely, break, and it will timeout.

If you're also capturing phone numbers in your Campaigns:

If your campaign also involves capturing phone numbers, repeat the process for the step that captures phone numbers.

  1. Navigate to the Phone Capture Step: Find the campaign step aimed at capturing phone numbers.

  2. Add a New Button Action for Phone Capture: On the primary CTA button for phone capture, add a new action of "Custom Code".

  3. Paste Custom Code for Phone Numbers: Insert the specific custom code for phone number capture in this section.

    /// Blotout Custom Code for Amped Button Actions
    // πŸ“‹ Copy & Paste all of this with no edits
    // ...unless you know what you are doing
    var data = {};

    const userId = window.edgetag('getUserId') || "";
    data['userId'] = userId;

    for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) {
    if (key === 'phone_number'){
    data['phone'] = value; // blotout accepts phone as key for phone numbers
    } else {
    data[key] = value;

    // Conditional if you are using custom props
    var userPreference = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(`amped-${window.ampedConfig.accountId}-userProperties`))
    if (userPreference) {
    userPreference = userPreference['Amped - shopping_for'];
    data.shopping_for = userPreference;

    if (edgetag && typeof edgetag == 'function'){
    setTimeout( () => {
    edgetag('data', data);
    edgetag('tag', 'Subscribe');

    } else {
    console.log('Could not send data, edgetag not found');

    resolve(); // resolve(); tells your ad to continue. Othwerwise the ad will load indefinitely, break, and it will timeout.

Final Steps:

  • Review and Save: After implementing the custom codes, review your changes for accuracy and save your work.

  • Publish Your Campaign: Ensure you publish the updated draft to activate the Blotout integration across your campaign(s).


  • Repeat for All Relevant Campaigns: Apply these steps to each campaign you wish to integrate with Blotout, ensuring no opportunity for data capture is missed.

This process sets up your Amped campaigns for direct integration with Blotout, enabling efficient data capture and utilization.

Here to help if you need a hand! 🫑 [email protected]

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