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All CollectionsπŸ”Œ Integrations and suppressing visitor identification with when Amped captured emails and suppressing visitor identification with when Amped captured emails
Maggie Buchanan avatar
Written by Maggie Buchanan
Updated over 12 months ago

How to Suppress Visitor Identification with when has already captured the email

This article will guide you through the steps needed to integrate with The objective of this integration is to suppress the identification of visitors during a session when an email address is captured. This procedure needs to be followed for all campaigns and variations that capture emails.

Steps to Implement the geq.suppress() function when emails are captured by Amped

  1. Begin by accessing your campaign in, which should be a campaign that captures email addresses.

  2. Navigate to the specific step within the campaign that is responsible for capturing email addresses.

  3. Locate and click on the button that captures the data / primary CTA.

  4. After clicking on the data capturing button, proceed to the "Button Actions" on the right properties panel for that element.

  5. At the bottom of the Buttons Actions, click on "Add Action" and select the option to add an action of "Custom Code."

  6. In the custom code modal the shows, you can add the suppress function or the entire snippet based on your specific case:

    If the snippet is already present on your site,
    use the following code on the button action to run the geq.suppress() function. We've also added a try() catch to prevent any error if the Retention snippet is not loaded yet.

    // Start Custom code here
    try {
    } catch(e) {
    if (e instanceof TypeError) {
    console.log(" attempted to suppress this visitor but the geq snippet is not present yet");
    } else {
    // Optionally, re-throw if it's an exception we weren't expecting.
    throw e;

    resolve(); // resolve(); tells your ad to continue. Othwerwise the ad will load indefinitely, break, and it will timeout.

    Or, if you're unsure if the snippet is already present on your site,
    Use this code to include the snippet and also run the geq.suppress() function.

    // Start Custom code here

    (function() {
    var geq = window.geq = window.geq || [];
    if (geq.initialize) return;
    if (geq.invoked) { if (window.console && console.error) { console.error("GE snippet included twice."); } return; } geq.invoked = true;
    geq.methods = ["page", "suppress", "trackOrder", "identify", "addToCart", "callBack", "event"];
    geq.factory = function(method) { return function() { var args =;
    geq.push(args); return geq; }; };
    for (var i = 0; i < geq.methods.length; i++) { var key = geq.methods[i];
    geq[key] = geq.factory(key); } geq.load = function(key) { var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.async = true; if (location.href.includes("vge=true")) { script.src = "" + key + "/ge.js?v=" + Math.random(); } else { script.src = "" + key + "/ge.js"; } var first = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    first.parentNode.insertBefore(script, first); };
    geq.SNIPPET_VERSION = "1.6.1";

    resolve(); // resolve(); tells your ad to continue. Otherwise, the ad will load indefinitely, break, and it will timeout.

    πŸ‘† PLEASE NOTE You will need to replace REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID

  7. Once the appropriate code is inserted, save the changes.

  8. Finally, publish your changes live.

With these changes implemented, the identification of the visitor will be suppressed for that session each time an email address is captured from This process ensures that the visitor's email is not scraped during that specific session. Make sure to repeat these steps for all campaigns and all variations that capture emails.

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